Victim Referral Services

Hate Crimes

The Shepherdsville Police Department believes that it is the right of every person regardless of race, color, creed, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation, to be secure and protected from fear, intimidation, and physical harm caused by the activities of violent groups and individuals. It shall be the philosophy of the Shepherdsville Police Department that all reported cases of “hate crimes” will be fully investigated. A “hate crime” is an act, an attempted act, or a threatened act by any person or group of persons to cause physical injury, emotional suffering or property damage against the person of property of another individual or group which is or appears to be motivated, all or in part, by race, religion, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. These crimes include, but are not limited to, threatening phone calls, hate mail, physical assaults, vandalism, cross burnings, fire bombing, or destruction of other religious symbols. All suspected hate crimes should be reported to the Shepherdsville Police Department immediately for further investigation.

Kentucky Rape Crisis Centers and Outreach Offices


Rape Victim Services Program
(800) 562-8909
(606) 324-3005

Bowling Green

Hope Harbor
(270) 782-5014
(800) 656-5014


Cumberland River Rape Victims Services
(606) 528-5286


Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center
(859) 253-2615
(800) 656-4673


Silverleaf Sexual Trauma Recovery Services
(877) 672-2124
(800) 928-3335


Women’s Crisis Center
(859) 491-3335
(270) 234-9236


Bluegrass Rape Crisis Center
(859) 253-2615
(800) 656-4673


The Center for Women & Families
(502) 581-7222


Women’s Crisis Center
(606) 564-6708


Women’s Crisis Center
(859) 491-3335
(800) 928-3335


New Beginnings Sexual Assault Support Services
(800) 226-7273
(270) 926-7273


Purchase Area Sexual Assault Center
(800) 928-7273


Mountain Comprehensive Care Center’s Healing Program for Survivors of Sexual Assault & Domestic Violence
(800) 422-1060
(606) 886-8572

Adult/Child Abuse Reporting Hotline
(877) 597-2331

Domestic Violence

Regional Victim Services Program Crisis Line
1-800-656-HOPE (4673)

Victim Rights Information

Domestic Violence is a crime. Anyone can be a victim. You have a right to be safe from abuse, harassment, and threats. Help is available for you and your family. Do not hesitate to call for help. These are your rights:

  • See that you and your children are safe.
  • You can call the nearest Spouse Abuse Center for confidential information and safe shelter.
  • Call the police for protection. Under certain circumstances, the abuser may be arrested without a warrant.
  • Get medical attention, copies of your records and photos of your injuries.
  • If you are sexually assaulted: contact the nearest Spouse Abuse Center or Rape Crisis Center for confidential information and counseling. Go to a hospital for treatment. Do not bathe or change clothes. A rape examination and other related tests should be conducted within 72 hours following the assault. A rape examination is necessary for your own protection or should you need the findings for any legal action at a later date.
  • You can file a criminal complaint with the local prosecutor and /or a petition for a Domestic Violence Protective Order through District Court (no fees or attorney). Your location may remain confidential. The abuser may be arrested for Violation of a Protective Order (EPO, DVO) or for violating conditions of release after arrest.
  • Contact your LOCAL Department of Social Services to assist you and your family in obtaining protective and support services.
  • Contact your regional Community Health Center for other counseling services.

Emergency Protective Orders

Emergency Protective Orders (Epo) Can Direct the Abuser to:

  • Stop the abuse
  • Vacate the residence
  • Have no contact or communication
  • Award petitioner temporary custody
  • Restrain from disposing of or damaging property
  • Other orders as needed to prevent domestic violence

After a Full Hearing, Domestic Violence Orders (Dvo) Can Also:

  • Award temporary custody
  • Award temporary support
  • Order counseling
  • Other options the court believe will eliminate future acts of violence

If, after an order is issued, you need to change any of the terms established by the court, you must first return to District Court and file a petition for an amendment. Example: If in good faith you want to allow the abuser to return home, but keep the other terms of protection (e.g. – no more abuse, destruction of property, attend counseling, child custody/support, etc.), you must first return to District Court and file a petition for an amendment. Any violation of these court orders may constitute Contempt of Court (KRS 403.760) or Violation of a Protective Order, a Class A misdemeanor (KRS 403). Any peace officer shall enforce the terms and conditions of these orders consistent with state law. If the violation occurs and law enforcement is not contacted, you must return to District Court and file a motion for violation of the order(s) or file a criminal complaint for violation of the order with the county attorney.

Spouse Abuse Center

  • Temporary safe emergency shelter for adult victims and their children
  • Individual and group counseling (shelter and outreach)
  • Court and victim advocacy
  • Crisis intervention services
  • General information on domestic violence
  • 24-hour crisis line (collect calls accepted)
  • Referral to community services
  • Children’s services (education, counseling, etc.)
  • Community education and professional training

Department for Social Services

A copy of this report will go to the Local DSS office. When appropriate, a social worker will contact you to discuss the report and offer assistance to you and your family. The following voluntary protective and supportive services may be provided or secured

  • Safe, protective environment for adult and child victims
  • Health care
  • Client advocacy
  • Government financial assistance
  • Counseling
  • Housing
  • Preventative assistance
  • Legal protection (police and courts)
  • Childcare
  • Employment and education assistance
  • Information and referral

There is no charge to victims for services from Spouse Abuse Centers and the Department for Social Services. All of these services are confidential.

Kentucky Spouse Abuse Centers and Outreach Offices


(800) 926-2150


LKLP Safehouse
(800) 928-3131

Bowling Green

Barren River Area Safe Space
(800) 928-1183


GreenHouse 17
(800) 544-2022


SpringHaven, INC.
(800) 767-5838


LKLP Safehouse
(800) 649-6605


Sanctuary, Inc.
(800) 766-0000


(800) 544-2022


The Center for Women and Families
(844) 237-2331


The Ion Center-Buffalo Trace
(606) 564-6708 (Text Enabled)


DOVES of Gateway
(800) 221-4361


Women’s Crisis Center Northern Kentucky
(800) 928-3335
(859) 491-3335


Owensboro Area Shelter Information Services (OASIS)
(800) 882-2873


Merryman House
(800) 585-2686


Turning Point Domestic & Violence Services
(800) 649-6605

Renfro Valley

Cumberland Valley Domestic Violence Services
(800) 755-5348


The Center for Women & Families
(502) 581-7222
(877) 803-7577


Bethany House Abuse Violence Services Shelter, Inc.
(800) 755-2017

Adult/Child Abuse Reporting Hotline

(877) 597-2331